Sustainable solutions
for the coexistence
of wildlife and people
The return of lynx, wolves and other wild animals to southern
Hessen, Germany
The “project on our doorstep”. Emerging from our work on coexistence with big cats in Thailand, Cambodia and Kenya, this project is the logical consequence of the return of lynx, wild cats and wolves to our home region of Darmstadt/Odenwald. But other wild animals, such as beavers, have also migrated to southern Hesse in recent years and have repopulated some of their old habitats. There have already been initial conflicts with migrating wolves, which have occasionally killed sheep, and calls for shooting permits can already be heard. The core of our work here, as in our other projects, is the search for solutions for sustainable coexistence and the promotion of greater acceptance of wild animals.
In recent years, our work on returnees has been limited primarily to educational events to promote more tolerance and protection. In addition, we have been examining native forest areas along the wildcat corridor identified by BUND for some time to examine the extent to which these are suitable as a habitat or at least as a corridor for wildcats and possibly also for migrating lynxes. Furthermore, we seek to find direct evidence of wild cats, lynxes and wolves already living or migrating in the region, and collect data on sightings and clear evidence in order to draw conclusions about possible emerging populations. We take guided tours, especially with school classes, to possible wild cat habitats, on the subject of the return of lynx to southern Hessen and to a nearby beaver colony.