Nachhaltige Lösungen

für die Koexistenz von

Menschen und Wildtieren



Coexistence with Big Cats


We begin the database on big cats with links to publications of the two most widespread cat species, which have by far the largest distribution areas globally. These are leopards and lynxes. Leopards can be found in many habitats in both Africa and Asia and are very often involved in conflicts with humans as they kill livestock and pets and often attack, seriously injure or even kill humans. Lynxes were once native to almost all regions of Europe, but have been extinct in many countries. Even today their distribution area extends over large areas of Northern Europe, Eastern Europe and across Russia to the Far East in the Amur region. They also occur in Tibet and parts of the Himalayas. If you include the two lynx species found in North America, lynxes have the largest global distribution area of all cats. Conflicts with lynxes are rather rare and, when they do occur, are usually to the detriment of the lynx, which usually becomes a victim of the conflict. Lynxes were extinct in Germany, but were reintroduced to some low mountain ranges as part of reintroduction programs. To begin with, we limit our database on lynxes to publications on lynxes in Europe and on coexistence with lynxes, especially in Germany. While coexistence with leopards is about defusing conflicts and preventing attacks by leopards on people, pets and livestock as much as possible, the focus with the lynx is on awakening and promoting acceptance of the shy and harmless cat among the population.




Database Coexistence with Leopards


Guidelines for Human-Leopard Conflict Mitigation


Coexistence between leopards and local people



Best practices for mitigation of human-leopard conflicts



Understanding drivers of human-leopard conflicts




This page is under construction!

Further links are in preparation.


Database Coexistence with Lynx


Luchs-Initiative Baden-Württemberg


Luchsmonitoring im Süden von Rheinland-Pfalz

Monitoring und Status des Luchses im Pfälzerwald




The recolonization of lynx in Sweden


This page is under construction!

Further links are in preparation.



Database Coexistence with Elephants


The Northern Kenya based organization Save the Elephants developed a "Human - Elephant Coexistence Toolbox"which brings together virtually all elephant conflict solutions in a series of PDFs. We link to the Toolbox.


The handbook "Living with Elephants in Assam" deals with solutions for coexistence with elephants in Asia. It is less comprehensive than the Human - Elephant Coexistence Toolbox. It is therefore advisable to also use the African toolbox in conflicts with Asian elephants.


Further publications on coexistence with elephants will be added.


A project to coexist with elephants is the project initiated by the Save the Elephants Foundation is Elephants and Bees.

A film about it: